About us

What is Grey Power?

Grey Power Federation was founded in February 1986 as a voluntary organisation. Those involved in the early days were angry at the imposition of the surcharge on New Zealand Superannuation. Originally formed as the Auckland Superannuitants Association, Grey Power has grown nationally and gone from strength to strength.

Today there are 50,000+ financial members that stem from more than 74 associations that are spread throughout the country.

Grey Power’s Aims and Objectives

  1. To advance, support and protect the welfare and well being of older people.

  2. To affirm and protect that statutory right of every New Zealand resident, to a sufficient New Zealand Superannuation entitlement.

  3. To strive for a provision of a quality health care to all New Zealand residents regardless of income and location.

  4. To oppose all discriminatory and disadvantageous legislation affecting rights, security and dignity.

  5. To be non-aligned with any political party, and to be a strong united group to lobby to all ministers and statutory bodies on matters affecting older New Zealanders.

  6. To promote and establish links with kindred organizations.

  7. To promote recognition of the wide-ranging services provided by senior citizens of New Zealand.

  8. To gain recognition as an appropriate voice for all older New Zealanders.

Go here for Grey Power Federation Policies

Your Committee

The committee meets monthly and welcomes input from members. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining the committee or have a particular interest that you wish to pursue as part of a sub-committee.

PRESIDENT – Jennifer Custins

VICE PRESIDENT – David Marshall

TREASURER – Shirley Porter

MEMBERSHIPS – Sharyn Mudgway



SENIORS HOUSING & WEBSITE - Vanessa Charman-Moore



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