Renew Your Membership
Welcome back
The cost of joining Grey Power Tauranga & WBOP is:
Single membership $25
Double membership $40

How can I pay for membership?
You can:
Pay using credit or debit card (please see the link to Stripe below).
Use Internet Bank Payment services provided online by your bank.
Pay by cash at a Kiwibank branch or at our office. Cash can only be received at our office during office hours. Unfortunately we do not have EFTPOS facilities at our office.
1. Pay with Credit or Debit Card
We use Stripe for secure payments
2. Pay with Online Banking
Internet Bank Payment Details:
Bank: Kiwibank
Account No: 38 9001 0051732 00
Payee :Tga & WBOP Grey Power Assn Inc
Particulars: Family Name
Reference: Membership Number or Phone Number
3. Pay by cash
Please pay at a Kiwibank branch or at our office.

Would you like to volunteer?
Do you have any skills to offer the committee or office? Please drop in or call and have a chat.
PRIVACY ACT REQUIREMENTS: All information provided to Grey Power will remain confidential and will not be supplied to any other party except as outlined in the website privacy policy. Please note promotional material may be inserted in mail outs for the interest of members.